Friday, February 6, 2009

What to do?

Ok, so I've been interning at this inner-city school in Fort Lauderdale, Northside Elementary. In doing so, I'm starting to learn a few things about myself. One is my startling desire to take each and every one of these little kindergartners and put them in a better neighborhood and better situation. Two is that the one little boy who has the roughest life and can be the naughtiest little thing ever has the hardest grip on my heartstrings. Some of these kids come in with dirty clothes or clothes that don't fit them at all. Some of them have shoes that look like they're talking to me because the sole is separated from the shoe. It breaks my heart and I'm starting to feel this pull to actually work in a school like this. Problem is, I want to fight for these kids. If I feel that everyone around me is not putting in the same effort and love into helping these kids, it'll be so heartbreaking to me. I actually love teaching. It's the one thing that I do that I can't mess up. I don't want to get jaded because of apathetic teachers and uninvolved parents (don't get me wrong, not all of them are like that). I'll just have to wait and see what I decide.
<3 Laura

Thursday, February 5, 2009

First Post

I caved and got a blog. I suppose it's much easier than writing in a journal. I'm left-handed and writing is always somewhat of a challenge. You know, smudged ink and all. Anyway, I guess I am just in need of an outlet. A place to vent. And a place to keep record of all the interesting moments of my life. I'll try to keep this as up-to-date and interesting as possible. Won't be all that interesting though as I am a NERD. =]

<3 Laura